Energy self-sufficiency through anaerobic digestion

By | 2016-02-24

The city of Granby (QC, Canada), will soon be able to count on the Center for the treatment of biomass of Montérégie (CTBM). The project, which will need more than CAN $25 million in investments in the following months, will result in one of the first integrated green biorefinery in Canada, according to the project director Benoit Paré.

The integration of many green technologies to the infrastructure will allow the CTBM to generate bio-oils, animal flours, specific organic fertilizers, as well as biogas. The capacity for anaerobic digestion is precisely what will enable the CTBM to be totally energy self-sufficient. Thereby, the energetic and environmental balance of the project makes it truly appealing.

Concerning the infrastructure’s capacity, the CTBM is actually processing approximately 50,000 metric tonnes of different organic matters coming from the agro-industry, and M. Paré is expecting it to be more than the double by the end of the next construction work. Besides, a contract with Olymel already ensures the CTBM an input of 70,000 tonnes as soon as it will be possible to process them.

It is obvious that a project such as the CTBM demonstrates the technologic, energetic and environmental pertinence and innovation of anaerobic digestion. Such an initiative will encourage other cities of Quebec, Canada and elsewhere worldwide to follow the lead in regards to the revaluation of residual waste, in order to reduce the amount of it ending in the landfill and polluting soil, water and air without exploiting its potential of renewable energy, recuperation and reuse. Benoit Paré bets especially on an eventual politic which will prohibit landfilling of organic matters starting in 2020.

By Simon Lefebvre | 2016-02-24

Source : La Presse